Keeping you up to date with Musical Matinee concerts throughout Port Stephens, Newcastle and the Hunter Valley

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Musical Matinees presents the Orava Quartet

Musical Matinees is so excited to present the Orava Quartet for Newcastle audiences this Saturday 30th May at 3pm at St Andrews Presbyterian Church.

Praised for their 'warmth of sound, sublime inner-voicing and spontaneity' this group is a MUST SEE quartet! Founded in 2007 the group recently completed a two year graduate quartet in residence at The University of Colorado, USA. Brisbane based, they are also the Quartet in Residence with the Camerata of St John's - Queensland's Chamber Orchestra. Orava recently won the Musica Viva Australia Tony Berg Award for outstanding Australian ensemble as well as the Peter Druce Audience Prize at the 2013 Asia Pacific Chamber Music Competition in Melbourne.

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